Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paul Washer 'Declaring War on The Sinner's Prayer'

This video shows why I believe the 'sinner's prayer' and alter calls, ect do nothing short of damning people. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we are to just say a prayer and thats all it takes. I lived like that for years and there was no difference between me and the non-christian next door. I thank God for showing me how decieved I was. Nobody in scripture evangalised this way, so why should we?

To this day it still amazes me that most people don't realise that those who are truely in Christ are a NEW creature! If there is no fruit, than this should cause someone to seriously examine themselves. Don't say some silly little invitation to Jesus asking him to jump inside your heart so you two can be the best of friends...REPENT! AND BELIEVE!

And below is also another video worth watching from

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