Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rand Paul victory speech: "We've come to take our government back"

Here's some real hope and change that American's can believe in. The big bankers must love the Pauls. As this clip shows, the fact that there are few politicians in America that openly talk about ending the Federal Reserve banking system which has plagued the US with astonomical debt is proof that the majority of these 'politicians' are all bought and paid for. Ron and his son Rand Paul are some of the very few exceptions. The Federal Rerserve is as 'federal' as Federal Express. It's private bank. In depth article on Rand Paul's victory at

Paul Washer 'Declaring War on The Sinner's Prayer'

This video shows why I believe the 'sinner's prayer' and alter calls, ect do nothing short of damning people. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we are to just say a prayer and thats all it takes. I lived like that for years and there was no difference between me and the non-christian next door. I thank God for showing me how decieved I was. Nobody in scripture evangalised this way, so why should we?

To this day it still amazes me that most people don't realise that those who are truely in Christ are a NEW creature! If there is no fruit, than this should cause someone to seriously examine themselves. Don't say some silly little invitation to Jesus asking him to jump inside your heart so you two can be the best of friends...REPENT! AND BELIEVE!

And below is also another video worth watching from

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Charismatic chaos

In this amusing but serious interview from Way Of The Master radio, Todd Friel talks with an ex-faith healer who discusses what really happens in a lot of Charismatic circles especially in regards to healing and 'falling over'. This in my opinion is just another example of what can happen to someone who is biblically illiterate and puts personal experiences before the truth of scripture. Truth determines experience, and that is the point most Charismatics miss completely. So please study your Bibles!

And below this is also another segment in two parts with Mr. Friel talking about the so called ‘drunk-in-the-spirit’ antics of Todd Bentley. Why a manifistation of the holy spirit would cause grown educated adults to act like this to me seems like a complete joke not to mention a mockery

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bombshell: Silverstein Wanted To Demolish Building 7 On 9/11

In this interesting piece regarding WTC 7 on 9/11, we can see yet another nail in the coffin of the official story of what really happened on that day. To think that nobody had prior knowledge of the 9/11 terrorist attacks is not all that different than thinking pigs can fly. It never ceases to amaze me that despite the vast about of easily available evidence regarding 9/11, some people still can't accept possibility that the US government has been blatantly lying to it's citizens since day one. NO building collapses at free fall speed into it's own footprint due to falling debris and minor fires on only two floors. And if that’s not enough to cause some serious questions, let's not forget that the BBC reported the collapse of the building a full 20 minutes BEFORE it actually did as the following clip clearly demonstrates! Where do these people get their scripts from?

Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined

The following is a trailer for a new feature length documentary which deals with the concept of a 'new world order'. 10 years ago people laughed at this sort of thing as nothing more than a 'conspiracy theory', however, the term NWO is now being used frequently in mainstream media by many politicians which seems indicate that maybe it is actually true. The idea of a global government and currency being instigated by a world leader might come as a sock (or seem completely ridiculous) to non-Christians, but to me, this is just another example of biblical prophecy being full filled. While I don't agree with all the content, I still recommend watching the full length documentary which is posted below the trailer.


Full length feature: